Your Aged Care Update # 25/24

Notable dates

Survey: Workforce perspectives needed
Closes 17 July

Take survey

Webinar: Financial reporting
9 July

Register now

Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk
10 July

Register now

Home Care Package provider activity survey
Now closes 16 July

Take survey

In this issue

    Sector news

    New Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT)

    The Integrated Assessment Tool (IAT) has now replaced the National Aged Care Screening and Assessment Form.

    The IAT is the new tool for assessing eligibility of older people for government subsidised aged care.

    The commencement of the IAT is the first stage of implementing the Single Assessment System. This will make it easier for older people to access aged care and adapt services as their needs change.

    The IAT will allow assessors to collect more complete information about the person seeking services to tailor recommendations and referrals.

    There are no changes to aged care eligibility requirements or referrals to urgent services.

    Read more about the new Integrated Assessment Tool.

    Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme – spread the word

    We have developed a communication toolkit to help you spread the word about the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme (ACVVS).

    The program supports regular in-person volunteer visits to extend friendship and companionship to older people to help them feel less isolated.

    The toolkit includes content that you can share on your website, social media and/or newsletters to:

    • recruit new volunteers

    • encourage referrals of older people into the program who would benefit from volunteer visits.

    Access the communication toolkit or find out more about the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme.

    Continence aids payment increase

    As of 1 July, the Continence Aids Payment Scheme annual payment has increased (with indexation) to $694.80.

    The scheme helps people impacted by incontinence with some of the costs for continence products.

    To be eligible, a person must be:

    • 5 years or older

    • have permanent and severe incontinence, which is confirmed by a registered health professional

    • an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or have permanent residency rights.

    Learn more about the Continence Aids Payment Scheme.

    Evaluation of viability and capability programs

    In the past five years, the Australian Government has invested over $320 million in provider viability and capability. We are currently evaluating these programs, including:

    Advisory and consulting 

    • Remote and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Aged Care Service Delivery Assistance Panel 

    • Business Activity Services 

    • Workforce Advisory Services.

    Grant funding 

    • COVID-19 Viability Fund 

    • Business Improvement Fund 

    • Structural Adjustment Program and Fund 

    • Market Adjustment Program and Fund. 

    Some providers can expect to be contacted for their feedback in July and August. 

    For information about the evaluation, please email:

    Improving reporting between business and government

    The Business to Government (B2G) program is streamlining reporting between provider and Australian Government systems. 

    The latest program release will enable providers to submit their quality indicator reporting directly. The 24/7 registered nurse responsibility reporting is already available. 

    To use the B2G program, your organisation’s software must be approved to meet government specifications. Speak to your software vendor or IT operations team to confirm your software is conformant. 

    Get involved and help shape the B2G program and join the Digital Transformation Sector Partners

    Services Australia website updates

    Services Australia’s website updates for health professionals and aged care providers will make it easier to complete tasks.

    Aged care providers and health professionals who tested the new content said it’s easier to find and read the information they need.  There is new content and improved navigation and search functions.

    Check out and the specific aged care provider content.

    Residential care

    On-site pharmacists – funding available

    From 1 July, community pharmacies can access funding to engage credentialed pharmacists to be placed on-site in residential aged care homes.

    Residential aged care providers will also be able to engage pharmacists directly.

    On-site pharmacists will review medications and meet regularly with residents, their families and carers. The pharmacists will work closely with medical practitioners and aged care home staff.

    The benefits of on-site pharmacists include:

    • safe and effective medication management

    • understanding and supervision of medication needs

    • oversight of high-risk medications

    • quick resolution of medication related issues

    • access to pharmacist advice for staff and residents

    • improved coordination of medication (particularly at transitions of care).

    Find out more about aged care on-site pharmacists.

    Quality Indicator reporting now open

    Quality Indicator reporting is open for Quarter 4.

    Some providers may have experienced issues when submitting their data for Q3, where they used the QI Program data recording template. This template cannot be uploaded to GPMS. It is only for recording data for a single service.

    For uploading data into GPMS, use the QI Program file upload template.

    When pasting data into the template, use the “Paste Values” function to make sure the formatting is maintained.

    For help, refer to:

    For technical support, please call the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799 and select option 5. 

    Encouraging participation in the Residents’ Experience Survey

    We are conducting a Diversity Research Study as part of the 2024 Residents' Experience Survey (RES). The study is overseen by a Diversity Panel with representatives from peak consumer advocacy bodies.   
    As part of the initiative, a video has been developed to encourage people from diverse backgrounds to share their experiences. The video features aged care residents responding to the survey questions and explains how the survey works and why it's so valuable. 

    Please share this RES video with residents to encourage participation.

    Find out more about the Residents’ Experience Survey

    Webinar: Animal therapy

    Join Swinburne University’s Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults for a webinar on animal assisted therapies in residential aged care.

    This webinar is for people working in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older people. 

    Research will be presented on the application and effectiveness of animal therapies on the emotional wellbeing of people living in aged care homes.   

    When: Friday 12 July, 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST). 

    Register now

    For more information webinar schedule 2024.

    In-home care

    CHSP wellness and reablement reporting due

    Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers can now complete their 2024 Wellness and Reablement Report via the Citizen Space Portal.
    CHSP providers must complete the report by 31 July to meet their mandatory reporting requirements.

    For questions, please contact your CHSP Funding Arrangement Manager or email

    Home Care Package annual subsidy increase

    Home Care Package subsidy and supplements increased on 1 July due to indexation.

    If you make changes to your prices, you must:

    • update your pricing information on My Aged Care, your website and in any printed materials

    • discuss changes with your care recipients

    • renegotiate Home Care Agreements with care recipients.

    View the updated schedule of subsidies and supplements.

    New look CHSP Manual for 2024-25

    A refreshed Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Manual (2024-25) is now available.

    We have restructured and streamlined the manual to make it easier to read, so providers can easily find the information they need.

    Read and download the CHSP Manual 2024-25 and appendices.

    You can also see a summary of changes.

    Quality indicator for in-home care – consultation closing

    Quality indicators measure and monitor critical areas of care for older people. We are consulting to develop realistic and practical quality indicators for in-home aged care.

    We are expanding the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program to in-home aged care.

    Public consultation closes on 9 July. To share your views: 

    The new quality indicators will not start before 1 July 2026. They will only apply to providers under the new Support at Home program.
    Read more about Quality indicators for in-home aged care


    Your Aged Care Update # 26/24


    July 2024 indexation: Updated schedules & change to maximum permissible interest rate