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Your Aged Care Update # 46

Notable dates

24/7 registered nurse (RN) report due
7 December

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Webinar: Home Care Packages Program assurance review findings
7 December

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Webinar: New Aged Care Act and Support at Home update
14 December

See this content in the original post

Sector News

COVID-19: Vaccination update

If it has been 6 months since receiving a COVID-19 vaccine or confirmed COVID-19 infection, an additional dose:

  • is recommended for people aged 75 or older

  • should be considered for people aged 65 to 74 years and people aged 18 to 64 years with severe immunocompromise following discussion with their healthcare provider.

Aged care residents who have not yet received a dose this year are advised to do so. If you are unsure of a COVID-19 infection in the last 6 months, if is safe to get another dose.

All COVID-19 vaccines are anticipated to provide benefit to eligible people. However, the monovalent Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccines are preferred over other vaccines for older people.

Read more COVID-19 vaccination information.

Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act

The 2022-23 Report on the Operation of the Aged Care Act 1997 (ROACA) is scheduled to be tabled in parliament this week. You will be able to access the report on the GEN Aged Care Data website.
Each year the ROACA report provides an important overview of Australia’s aged care system and details its operation over the previous financial year.
Email questions to

Grant forecast: Aged care wages – historical leave liability

The Forecast Opportunity for the Aged Care Wages – Historical Leave Liability Grant Opportunity is now live. 

This grant opportunity provides $130.9 million for aged care providers. The grant funds 50% of the cost of paying higher leave entitlements for workers that have had their wages increased as a result of the Aged Care Work Value case.   

Eligible providers must provide one or more of the following:  

  • Residential aged care 

  • Home care packages  

  • Commonwealth home support  

  • Transition care  

  • Short term restorative care  

  • Multi-Purpose services  

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flexible aged care  

For more information, read the draft Grant Opportunity Guidelines and FAQs on GrantConnect.  

Apply now – Verification for specialised aged care services

If you deliver specialised care you can apply to have this claim verified and displayed on My Aged Care. Specialised services may be for: 

  • Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities 

  • people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds 

  • people who are financially or socially disadvantaged 

  • veterans 

  • people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless 

  • care leavers (people who spent time in out-of-home care when they were children) 

  • parents separated from their children by forced adoption or removal 

  • lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and/or intersex people 

  • people who lived in rural or remote areas. 

Only claims that have been independently verified are published on My Aged Care.

Older people can also filter by specialised care on My Aged Care’s Find a provider tool. This helps people find aged care options to suit their needs.
Learn more and apply.

Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk

Our Aged Care Digital Transformation agenda creates a better-connected aged care network that is consolidated, sustainable, automated and modern.

You're invited to join the conversation at the next Digital Transformation Tech Talk webinar.

When: Wednesday 6 December, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (AEDT)

In this edition of Tech Talk we will:

  • share outcomes from our November major release and the updates to our ICT Portfolio Roadmap

  • deep dive into the new capability for the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) that’s enabling the decommissioning of the legacy National Provider Management System

  • hear from the Australian Digital Health Agency.

Ask us your questions about these topics and more in our open Q&A.

Register now.

What do you think about the National Aged Care Advocacy Program?

The National Aged Care Advocacy Program (NACAP) provides support to older people and their representatives. It helps people who work in aged care understand their responsibilities and the rights of people in their care.

We are currently evaluating the program and want to hear from people who work in residential and home care.

We are interested in:  

  • your awareness of the NACAP

  • your experiences of the NACAP 

  • how the information, advocacy or education provided through the NACAP could be improved. 

Take the survey now - it should take around 15 minutes to complete.

The survey closes on 22 December 2023.

Read more about the National Aged Care Advocacy Program.

Webinar: Human Centricity in Aged Care

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission program, Governing for Reform in Aged Care, is delivering a free webinar on human centricity in aged care.

When: Wednesday 13 December, 12 pm to 1 pm (AEDT)

The session will discuss: 

  • the importance of a human centric approach to leadership in aged care  

  • the importance of improving consumer centricity. 

Enrol in the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program to register for this event.

Residential care

Seeking providers to help develop and test new staffing Quality Indicators

We’re looking for residential aged care providers to help develop and test 3 new staffing quality indicators. The new quality indicators will be implemented by July 2025.

The new staffing quality indicators will focus on enrolled nursing, allied health, and lifestyle services.

We’re working with HealthConsult, the University of Queensland's Centre for Health Services Research and the Registry of Senior Australians to develop the indicators.

We are commencing a formal consultation process with providers from late-January through to the commencement of the pilot to test the new indicators in March 2024. We are holding some preliminary discussions over the coming weeks.

To find out more and be part of the consultations, email your expression of interest to

COVID-19: Prevent and prepare for outbreaks

Residential aged care providers are reminded of their responsibilities to protect residents from COVID-19. Providers must be ready for COVID-19 outbreaks, including: 

  • up-to-date outbreak management plans

  • visitor access and staff screening processes in place

  • staff understand infection protection control

  • measures and procedures, including mask wearing 

  • resident and staff vaccinations are up-to-date

  • residents can access antivirals quickly if needed. 

It is your responsibility to store and maintain PPE supplies through exisiting commercial channels. However, emergency PPE supplies are available.

Rapid Antigen Test kits are supplied weekly to aged care homes through the National Medical Stockpile.

See our website for COVID-19 support information that are in place until 30 April 2024 and information on how to prevent and prepare for COVID-19 outbreaks.


Reminder: Aged care worker pay rise survey

There is still time to take part in the aged care worker pay rise survey.

We want to know what the 15% aged care pay rise has meant to you.

  • has it helped you to attract more workers to aged care?   

  • does it make you want to stay working in the sector?  

  • do you feel more valued and rewarded for the work you do?

Take the survey now - it should take around 10 minutes to complete.

Please share the survey with your colleagues and networks.

The survey closes on 8 December 2023.