Tender for single assessment system 

As announced in the 2023-24 Budget, we are establishing a new single assessment system from 1 July 2024. This will improve access to aged care services for older people.

This information is for organisations who may consider tendering for the delivery of aged care assessments from 1 July 2024.

The Request for Tender is expected to be released via AusTender in January 2024 and will be open for a minimum of 6 weeks. 

We will hold an online information session after the tender is released where interested organisations will have an opportunity to ask questions.

The Australian Government previously announced tender participation would be limited to current contract holders. This is changing to reflect feedback that there are other organisations with the capacity and capability to participate in the delivery of aged care assessments.

We will continue to work with state and territory governments to negotiate jurisdictions’ ongoing role in the single assessment system.

If your organisation is interested, please: 

Please email any further questions to singleagedcareassessmentsystem.rft@health.gov.au


Your Aged Care Update # 47


Your Aged Care Update # 46