Is your service the best fit?

Being a provider of choice isn’t just about location, cost and quality.

It’s also about best fit.

When people find their best fit, they’ve found a provider who understands and supports their experiences, needs and preferences.

For older people from diverse backgrounds and life experiences, finding their best fit can be difficult.

The Specialisation Verification Framework can help

The Specialisation Verification Framework helps you demonstrate to older people that your organisation delivers inclusive services for people who identify with 1 or more of the special needs groups (listed in the Aged Care Act 1997).

The Framework supports you to develop your inclusive services and communicate them to older people.

By engaging with the Specialisation Verification Framework you’ll have a better understanding of how you can move towards inclusive service delivery.

The Framework is tremendously beneficial whether you apply for Verification or not.

Verification will be necessary when you’re ready to promote your services on My Aged Care as the best fit for people who identify with special needs groups.

Towards Specialisation Workshop Series

This series of 8 online workshops supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework and how it can benefit your organisation and communities. Each workshop focuses on the people and communities recognised as special needs groups.

What you’ll walk away with

Each online workshop gives you:

  • An understanding of how the Specialisation Verification Framework supports you to offer services that are the best fit for people who identify with special needs groups

  • Insight into the needs of people who identify with these groups

  • A greater understanding of how difficult it can be for older people to find their best fit 

  • Clarity on the right time to start the Specialisation Verification process

  • An understanding of Verification requirements

  • Steps for progressing your Verification application

  • Useful resources. 

Who should attend

These workshops are for managers, quality personnel and other aged care staff who:

  • Influence, lead or progress improvement plans across a service or program

  • Are interested in exploring the Specialisation Verification Framework or have started the process

  • Provide CHSP-funded services.

Workshop format

Each session includes:

  • A focus on 1 or 2 special needs groups

  • Introductory presentation about the Specialisation Verification Framework 

  • Panel discussion where you’ll hear from experienced specialist service providers, peak bodies and community representatives

  • Q&A where you can ask questions and share ideas 

  • Review of the Verification performance criteria, evidence requirements and application process. 

Presented by

The Eastern SSD Partnership, SSD Connect Alliance & Bayside City Council SSD

Facilitated by: Kate Pascale & Associates

Cost: Free for CHSP Providers

Where: Zoom

Duration: 90 minutes

Towards Specialisation Workshop Series

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex People 

9.30am – 11.00am
Wed 21 June


9.30am – 11.00am
Thurs 20 July

People from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds

9.30am – 11.00am
Fri 18 August

Care Leavers 

9.30am – 11.00am
Mon 11 September

Parents Separated from their Children by Forced Adoption or Removal

9.30am – 11.00am
Wed 4 October 

People who are Financially or Socially Disadvantaged 
People who are Homeless or at Risk of Becoming Homeless

9.30am – 11.00am
Thurs 26 October

People who Live in Rural or Remote Areas

9.30am – 11.00am
Fri 24 November 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities

9.30am – 11.00am
Tue 5 December

To find out more contact

Carolyn Bolton
Sector Support & Development: North Metro, West Metro, Loddon Buloke

0499 784 465