Wellness & Reablement Resources

Department of Health and Aged Care wellness and reablement resources

The Department has developed a range of resources to help Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) service providers embed wellness and reablement approaches into their organisational practices and service delivery.

Resource collection
This collection of practical guides and tools will help you embed wellness and reablement approaches into your service delivery.
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Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) Manual 2023-24

Date last updated: 2 August 2023

This manual provides an overview of the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, including the service types it funds and requirements for delivering those services. It is for CHSP-funded service providers to use, and forms part of their CHSP grant agreement.

Summary of changes to the Manual

The summary document provides an overview of the changes made to the CHSP Manual 2023-24.

How to Create Great Case Studies –A toolkit for sharing useful stories about your practice

The toolkit contains 6 short PDF guides. They’re easy to follow and lay out the steps you can take to make great case studies. 

The guides are evidence-based. And they’ve been tried and tested with local service providers. The toolkit will have you thinking about case studies in new and exciting ways.

The Toolkit and Video were produced by Sector Support & Development: North Metro & West Metro and Red Hat Films.

Go to the Great Case Studies website to download the toolkit and templates.

When you’re there, check out the video that gives a quick overview of how to use the toolkit.

Living Well at Home – CHSP Good Practice Guide

This guide helps service providers understand the concepts and principles of wellness, reablement and restorative care approaches in services delivered under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP).

Keeping Active Around Your Home Toolkit

This toolkit encourages and supports older people to remain as active at home as they can.  By actively engaging in household tasks, older people maintain control of their life, personal decisions and preferences. 

Produced by Southern Metro Sector Development Team and Red Hat Films.

Keeping Active Client Brochure
The brochure can be used by staff as a conversation starter. It can be used to gently follow up and build upon previous conversations about keeping active in the home. 

English, Vietnamese, Greek, Italian, Arabic, Traditional Chinese versions.


Keeping Active Planner
The planner is a helpful way to motivate older people to plan their household activities.


Keeping Active Staff Guide
Information for aged care support workers to encourage older people to keep active around the home and garden.


Keeping Active Tip sheet
A tip sheet with ideas you can share with older people about easier, efficient or more active ways to do household tasks.

Keeping Active Facilitator Notes
How to use this toolkit with your staff. 


Easy Living Equipment Toolkit

This toolkit helps older people to choose simple assistive equipment to better manage everyday tasks. The resource also supports staff to have conversations with older people about easy living equipment. 

Produced by Southern Metro Sector Development Team and Red Hat Films.

Easy Living Equipment Client Handout

Supports staff to have a discussion with older people about what activities they are having difficulties with and what equipment may help. This can be printed and left with the client. 


Easy Living Equipment Guide
This guide is for staff. It includes pictures of Easy Living equipment, a short description, approximate cost and where to purchase. 


Funded Easy Living Equipment Information sheet
Explains the Geat2Go funding process for older people who are not able to purchase Easy Living equipment.

The Support Loop

Managing support plans, client goals and feedback from Community Support Workers to ensure reliable, client focused care.

The resource was produced by Sector Support & Development: North Metro, West Metro and Roger Hastrich and the video was produced by Red Hat Films.


Service specific goal setting and care planning

This resource provides an overview of person centred goal setting and care planning as key elements of practice in the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.

Developed by The SSD Connect Alliance


Monitoring, Feedback and Review of service specific care plans

This resource is designed to support staff working in the Commonwealth Home Support Programme to use and maintain service specific care plans through ongoing monitoring, feedback and review practices.

Developed by The SSD Connect Alliance


Embedding a strengths based approach in client conversations

This resource gives an overview of what a strength based approach is and presents practical strategies to implement the approach.

Developed by The SSD Connect Alliance and the Eastern Sector Development Team


Reducing duplication in service specific assessments

This resource focuses on practical strategies service providers can use to reduce duplication and streamline their assessment processes for staff and clients.

Developed by The SSD Connect Alliance and the Eastern Sector Development Team


How to Create Great Case Studies


Aged Care Reforms Resources