Specialisation Verification Guides

Specialisation Verification Framework 

Department of Health & Aged Care 

Last updated: 17 June 2022

The framework sets out the criteria for specialised care delivery. Aged care providers who deliver specific services that meet diverse needs may apply for specialisation verification.


My Aged Care provider Specialisation Verification -
Aged care provider guidance manual 

Department of Health & Aged Care
Last updated: 21 February 2023

You can use this guide to learn about:

  • the application and assessment process

  • the aged care recipient feedback process

  • how to request a review of decision on the outcome of your application

  • frequently asked questions

  • how to get help desk support.


Specialisation Verification Framework - detailed evidence requirements for providers 

Department of Health & Aged Care
Last updated: 23 June 2022

This document supports My Aged Care provider specialisation verification by giving aged care providers information about what questions they will need to answer, and what evidence they will need to provide, to support their specialisation verification application.


You might be interested in:

Towards Specialisation – A video & resource kit for aged care providers

This kit supports you to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework and how it can benefit your organisation and the older people you work with.


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