What’s a Personal Learning Action Plan?

1 min read

A Personal Learning Action Plan is a mutually beneficial agreement between a learner and their immediate supervisor. It describes how new skills and knowledge, gained during a learning activity, will be practiced and embedded in the workplace.

It's a tool that helps the learner and their supervisor to plan for and reflect on a learning activity.  It sets out a plan for how learning will be reinforced back in the workplace.

No two Personal Learning Action Plans will be the same.  Each Plan is unique, reflecting the individual needs and learning objectives of the learner.

Why use a Personal Learning Action Plan?

Personal Learning Action Plans:

  • Support the transfer of training

  • Help bridge the gap between theory and practice  

  • Contribute to a strong learning culture in your organisation where the importance of upskilling and knowledge is communicated, valued, supported and rewarded

  • Provide a structured way to track the progress of learning for both staff and their immediate supervisor

  • Describe how the learning applies to individual roles and your organisation’s outcomes

  • Encourage and support the learner to take greater responsibility for their own learning.


Personal Learning Action Plan Template