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Your Aged Care Update # 43

Notable dates

Notable dates

Webinar: Palliative care for LGBTIQ+ communities
Wednesday 15 November

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Fair Work Commission CHSP Base Funding Grant
Closes 30 November

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Aged Care Registered Nurses' payments round 2
Now open

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News about the reforms

Aged Care Taskforce: Results of the consultation on the draft aged care funding principles

In August 2023, we ran a public submission process for the Aged Care Taskforce (Taskforce) on the draft aged care funding principles.

We received 180 submissions from a wide range of stakeholders including older people, carers, health professionals, providers, peak organisations and financial services providers.

Key things you told us:

  • you generally support the Taskforce’s draft aged care funding principles

  • the aged care system needs to modernise and be made more sustainable

  • funding arrangements are too complex and difficult to understand.

Read more about what we heard from your submissions.

Thank you to everyone who made a submission.

Feedback from public submissions has informed the Taskforce’s discussions and will feed into the recommended package of options for government in December 2023.

Draft Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy released

We have released the draft Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy for public consultation and feedback.

The strategy looks at how data and digital technologies can improve the care and wellbeing of older people. It will drive a sustainable and productive care and support economy through data and digital innovation.

We want your feedback on the draft strategy before consultation closes on 20 November 2023.

Older people and their carers are at the centre of the strategy, but we also want to hear from aged care workers, assessors, health clinicians, service providers and technology vendors that supply software to providers.

Tell us what you think by emailing:

Sector News

Oxygen Supplement Certification by Nurse Practitioners

Nurse practitioners can now provide the certification needed for access to the oxygen supplement in aged care.

This supplement helps aged care providers with the costs of supplying oxygen to care recipients who have a long-term medical need for continuous oxygen therapy.

Allowing nurse practitioners to provide this certification, in addition to medical practitioners, makes it easier for service providers to access the supplement.

This supplement is not payable for an emergency or for short-term illnesses, and the provider must own, or have hired or borrowed, the equipment used to deliver the oxygen.

For more information visit Oxygen supplement for aged care or email

Dementia Australia introduces 4 new leadership programs

Dementia Australia (RTO:2512) has launched 4 new Leadership and Practice Change education programs, to build leadership skills within the aged and community care sectors.

These Australian Government funded courses are part of Dementia Training Australia and include:

  • the 10993NAT Certificate IV in Dementia Practice

  • Demonstrating Dementia Leadership

  • Leading Quality Dementia Care

  • Community of Practice

The programs will deliver engaging education to build the dementia capability of future leaders. The objective is lasting transformation through leadership and culture change that in turn promotes improved behaviours, attitudes and care practices for all care workers.

For details visit the Leadership Training page on the Dementia Australia website.

Residential care

Free training with the Maggie Beer Foundation for aged care chefs and cooks

The Maggie Beer Foundation’s free State and Territory Training Hubs are available now for aged care cooks and chefs.

Over 3 to 4 weeks, participants learn practical skills from expert chef trainers on:

  • overcoming challenges in your kitchen

  • food preparation skills, including texture modification

  • tips for maximising flavour

  • enhancing the dining experience.

The training sessions can be completed virtually or in a hybrid model (mix of online and in-person).

Each session brings together cooks and chefs to build the capability of your kitchen team. This will help your home:

  • meet the draft dedicated food and nutrition Aged Care Quality Standard

  • increase positive responses to Residents’ Experience Surveys

  • improve the food, nutrition and dining experience for residents.

Register now on the Maggie Beer Foundation’s website.

Prepare now for bushfire season

The risk of bushfires is high this spring and summer because of hot, dry weather and the accumulation of dry combustible material.

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) website has five steps to prepare for bushfire season. The steps include how to prepare and where to go if you need to evacuate.

You can also use NEMA’s Australian Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub for resources about your state or territory.

Remember, aged care providers must have an emergency management plan in place for bushfire season to keep older people safe. 

Go to our website for guidance on preparing an emergency management plan

In-home care

Updated Home Care Package pricing report now available

The National Summary of Home Care Package Prices – 30 September 2023 is now available.

The report outlines Home Care Packages Program pricing data for common home care services, care management, package management and staff travel.

At 30 September 2023, the median price for services was:

  • $120 per standard hour for nursing

  • from $70 to $74 per standard hour for light gardening, in-home respite, personal care, and cleaning/household tasks.

The Home Care Package – Published Pricing Schedule – 30 September 2023, which shows the full pricing data entered into My Aged Care by providers, is also available on our website.

Webinar: How to connect older people with smart technology

Vision Australia is delivering a webinar for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers on connecting older people to smart technology.

When: Monday 13 November at 2:30 pm (AEDT)

Hundreds of Vision Australia CHSP recipients use Echo Dot to access information and remain connected to friends and family.
This webinar covers Vision Australia’s Echo Dot program including:

  • how this pilot project has been scaled into a national program

  • examples of how echo dot has enhanced people’s social participation and independence

  • what participants have to say

  • challenges and advice on connecting older people with smart technologies

  • practical advice on introducing technology.

Register for the webinar now.


New edition of Working in aged care in Australia booklet

We have published an updated edition of the Working in aged care in Australia booklet. It's about aged care reforms for aged care workers.

Aged care providers and the workforce are invited to access the latest information on the programs, initiatives and career opportunities available for aged care workers.

Learn more about how the changes will support the aged care workforce and how you can get involved.

Read or download a copy of Working in aged care in Australia - Let’s change aged care together