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Your Aged Care Update # 10/24

Notable dates

Webinar: First Nations people and advance care planning
21 March

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Webinar: Workforce planning and support programs 
21 March

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Webinar: CHSP Community Transport Pricing Pilot 
28 March

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News about the reforms

Aged Care Taskforce report and online presentation

The report by the Aged Care Taskforce was released on 12 March 2024. It contains 23 recommendations for the government to consider.

The recommendations aim to build an aged care system that is financially sustainable as well as one that enables older people to live well as they age.

An online presentation was held on 12 March by Taskforce members: 

  • Nigel Ray – Deputy Chair, Aged Care Taskforce 

  • Tom Symondson – CEO, Aged and Community Care Providers Association 

  • Grant Corderoy – Partner, Stewart Brown 

Watch the recording of the presentation. You can still submit questions via email:
Read the Aged Care Taskforce Report.

The Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner wants to hear from you

If you are passionate about delivering culturally safe aged care for First Nations people, we want to hear from you. Help us shape the role of the permanent First Nations Aged Care Commissioner. Your ideas will assist us to improve aged care for older First Nations people. 

Andrea Kelly is the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner. She wants to hear from First Nations older people, families, communities, providers and stakeholders. Your feedback will inform the role of the permanent Commissioner. 

If you have a suggestion that could help improve care for older First Nations people across the aged care system, email:

Watch this video to learn more about Andrea’s role as Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner. 

Sector news

Single Assessment System tender extended

The closing time for the request for tender for the Single Assessment System has been extended until 2 pm (AEDT) Thursday 21 March 2024.

Find more information on the Single Assessment System tender, including how to apply.

For further questions, email:

New fact sheets for providers about volunteering program

We have published new fact sheets about the Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme. The information is for Home Care Package (HCP) and residential aged care providers.

These fact sheets cover the roles and responsibilities of aged care volunteers, Volunteer Managers and providers as well as how the program can:

  • complement the HCP or residential aged care service

  • support aged care recipients who may be feeling lonely or isolated.

Find and download both fact sheets from Aged Care Volunteer Visitors Scheme resources.

This week is National Advance Care Planning week

We want to highlight the importance of advance care planning for older people. An advance care plan helps ensure people’s health care preferences are known and respected if they can’t speak for themselves.

Aged care providers and personal care workers play an important role in advance care planning. Benefits include:

  • improved end-of-life care

  • better communication with health professionals

  • less distress for families and carers

  • reduced likelihood of unwanted treatments.

Read more about advance care planning and make sure early conversations are a standard part of a person’s care.

Residential care

Check your room pricing information is right on My Aged Care

Some providers have expired Refundable Accommodation Deposit (RAD) approval dates for rooms over $550,000 in the My Aged Care service and support portal.

Please check and update your room information, including your RAD approval or re-approval date.

See how to edit a room in the Service and support portal user guide – Part 1: Administrator functions. For help updating your room information, call the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799.

If your approval has expired, remove this information from My Aged Care and visit the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority to re-apply for a RAD approval. Until approval is granted, you cannot charge or advertise an amount over $550,000.

In-home care

Home Care Packages fact sheet for older people

We’ve published a new fact sheet to help older people, their families and carers understand the Home Care Packages (HCP) Program.  

Please share this resource with your HCP care recipients.

The fact sheet contains information on:

  • eligibility criteria

  • how to enter the HCP Program

  • package inclusions and exclusions

  • other resources and contacts for further information.

Access and download the new understanding Home Care Packages fact sheet.


Participate in the Aged Care Workers Survey

Are you a nurse, personal or home care worker or allied health professional working in aged care? We want to hear from you.

This survey is for people working in:

  • Residential aged care

  • Home Care Packages Program

  • Commonwealth Home Support Program

  • Multi-purpose Service Program

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.

This survey is also open to independent contractors, agency and labour hire staff working in aged care.

Take the Aged Care Worker Survey 2024 now. It takes around 20 minutes to complete.

Tell us which parts of your job are rewarding or challenging, what skills and training you need and where you need more support. This will help us deliver better outcomes for aged care workers.

Survey closes Tuesday 30 April.

Consultation: National Dementia Support Program

We are evaluating the National Dementia Support Program delivered by Dementia Australia. 

We want to hear from aged care workers and health professionals who support people living with dementia and their families and carers.

Complete the short online survey now. It takes less than 15 minutes. All information provided is anonymous and confidential.  

This is the second of 2 surveys measuring awareness of dementia services and participants’ experiences with the National Dementia Support Program. 

The survey closes at 5 pm AEDT on Friday 29 March.  

Free training: Equip Aged Care Learning Packages

The Equip Aged Care Learning Modules are available for anyone interested in aged care, including personal care workers, nurses, allied health professionals, volunteers and families. 
The modules are great for those new to the sector or in need of a refresher. Topics include dementia care, palliative and end of life care, trauma-informed care, and more. 
Benefits of Equip learning: 

  • All modules are free 

  • Modules can be accessed at any time, in any order 

  • Each module takes around 10 minutes to complete 

  • Accessible on a phone, tablet or computer 

  • A downloadable certificate of completion is available for each module 

  • All modules include additional resources for participants who want to learn more. 

Enrol now

These modules were developed in partnership with the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, University of Tasmania.  

More information on the Equip Aged Care Learning Packages.