Your Aged Care Update # 17/24

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Webinar: Translating and interpreting services for aged care
14 May

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In this issue

    Sector news

    Quarterly Financial Report for Quarter 3 overdue

    Quarterly Financial Reporting (QFR) for Quarter 3 2023-2024 (1 January to 31 March) is now overdue.

    Providers who have not submitted their reporting, should do so immediately through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS).

    More information is available on QFR and GPMS resources.

    If sections of the QFR are missing, incomplete or you are blocked from submitting, please call forms administration on (02) 4403 0640. 

    For help with GPMS call the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799.

    Survey: 2023 COVID-19 aged care support program grants

    We invite providers to participate in a feedback survey on the 2023 COVID-19 aged care support program grants.

    These grants closed on 3 April, replaced by the aged care outbreak management supplement paid automatically to all approved providers.

    We value your input, feedback and experiences. Your insights help us evaluate our programs and identify where we can improve in the future.

    Please complete the online survey. It will take around 25 minutes. 

    The survey closes on Friday, 31 May.

    Sector Performance Report – latest insights

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission (ACQSC) has published the latest Sector Performance Report. This report is for October to December 2023 (Quarter 2). It provides insigts into aged care quality and safety including: 

    • compliance

    • worker regulation

    • restrictive practices.

    ACQSC has changed how they present data by size and type of provider. The report also shows a more detailed picture of compliance and areas of concern.
    Read the Sector Performance Report for Quarter 2 (October-December 2023).

    Free translating and interpreting services for providers

    Did you know that you can use free translating and interpreting services to communicate with people in their preferred language?

    These services include:

    My Aged Care also has information for older people in other languages.

    Webinar: Behaviours of concern

    Join Vision Australia’s webinar on navigating behaviours of concern in aged care in the context of vision-impaired people.

    This free session is for support workers, allied health professionals and aged care providers.

    When: Wednesday 22 May, 1 pm to 2 pm (AEST)

    Explore effective communication methods, proactive interventions and compassionate approaches to promote well-being and quality of life for aged care recipients.

    Register now.

    Residential care

    Updated palliative care status form

    We have streamlined the information in the palliative care status form to make it easier to use. This includes a simpler ‘Part B: Medical Assessment’.

    Please use the latest form so we receive the correct information. 

    The way to submit the form hasn’t changed. Attach the form to the palliative care application in the My Aged Care Service Provider Portal. You must do this within 14 days from notification of the care recipient’s permanent entry.

    Visit entering residential aged care for palliative care for more information.

    Get ready for winter

    Winter will soon be here. We expect an increase in flu and other respiratory illnesses in the community. 

    Now is the time for residential aged care providers to prepare for the risk of outbreaks: 

    • train all workers in infection prevention and control (IPC) 

    • work with your IPC Leads to assess current practices  

    • update outbreak management and workforce management plans in case lots of people get sick at the same time  

    • check you have enough personal protective equipment and rapid antigen test kits  

    • make sure workers, residents, families and visitors know how to get vaccines and treatment for flu and COVID-19. 

    Visit prevent and prepare for COVID-19 in residential aged care for more information.  

    Webinar: Group reminiscence therapy in residential aged care

    Join Swinburne University’s Wellbeing Clinic for Older Adults for a webinar on reminiscence group therapy for people living in aged care homes.  

    This webinar is for people working in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older people.

    When: Friday 17 May, 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST)

    A panel of mental health practitioners will discuss using group-based reminiscence therapy to improve the emotional wellbeing of aged care residents.

    Register now.

    Visit Webinar Schedule 2024 for more information.

    In-home care

    Webinar: Vision loss tips for CHSP providers

    Join Vision Australia’s webinar on supporting people with vision loss. This free session is specifically for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) providers.  

    When: Tuesday 21 May, 12 pm to 1 pm (AEST)

    The webinar will cover:

    • how to help vision-impaired people feel safe and comfortable when receiving services in their home

    • practical ways to help people with low vision in social and community settings

    • strategies to ensure programs are inclusive.

    Register now.


    Embracing diversity: Leaflets in various languages for residential aged care

    '10 Questions to Ask' is a series of leaflets with information about residential aged care. The leaflets are available in a range of languages, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages.

    You can share the leaflets with people in your care or potential residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, their families and carers. The leaflets can help answer questions about residential aged care.

    Download the 10 Questions to Ask leaflets

    The leaflets were written by nurses, doctors and experts with experience in aged care. 


    Your Aged Care Update # 18/24


    Aged Care Quality Bulletin #64 - April 2024