Your Aged Care Update # 12/24

Notable dates

Webinar: Quarterly Financial Report and financial information on My Aged Care
9 April

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Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk
9 April

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In this issue

    News about the reforms

    Aged Care Reforms Survey for Older People

    The first 2024 aged care reforms survey for older people is now open for older people, their families and carers to give their feedback. 
    Please share this opportunity with residents in your home, or older people who receive in-home care. They are invited to have their say on: 

    • the changes being made to aged care 

    • how they would like to receive information from us. 

    They can complete the survey:  

    The survey takes around 10 minutes to complete and will close on Friday 19 April
    You can read more about the survey on the Aged Care Engagement Hub.

    Sector news

    How to become verified as a provider of specialised aged care services

    Towards Specialisation – a video and resource kit for aged care providers – gives information on how to become verified as a provider of specialised aged care services. It supports providers to understand the Specialisation Verification Framework and how it can benefit your organisation and the older people you work with.

    The 8 videos focus on people and communities with special needs. These are edited versions of online workshops held with aged care providers, and include insights from peak bodies, researchers and older people.

    The Towards Specialisation kit is funded by the Australian Government and produced by the Eastern SSD Partnership, SSD Connect Alliance and Bayside City Council SSD.

    Watch the videos and download the resources from Towards Specialisation on YouTube

    Time to submit your Quarterly Financial Report for Quarter 3

    Providers can now complete their Quarterly Financial Report (QFR) for quarter 3 -2023/24 (1 January – 31 March 2024) on our Government Provider Management System (GPMS). 

    Reporting is due on 5 May 2024

    More information is available on QFR and GPMS resources. 

    If you need help logging into GPMS call the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799.  

    Where reported data may indicate that a provider is not meeting expectations, including any legislative obligations, they will be referred to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, or the Fair Work Ombudsman, as appropriate.

    Deployment of protective equipment and rapid antigen test kits

    The supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) and rapid antigen test (RAT) kits from the National Medical Stockpile will finish at the end of April 2024. Please note:

    • automatic seasonal deployment of PPE packs has finished

    • until 30 April 2024, providers can request PPE outbreak and emergency packs via the My Aged Care portal

    • deployment of RAT kits will continue until 30 April 2024, unless supplies run out or you have opted out.

    From 1 May 2024, providers will need to source PPE and RAT kits through commercial suppliers.

    For questions about PPE or RAT email:

    Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk #15

    You are invited to join a webinar on digital transformation for the aged care sector.

    When: Tuesday 9 April, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (AEST)

    Hear about:

    • Aged Care Taskforce report and recommendations

    • Business to Government developer portal

    • Fast healthcare interoperability resources.

    Ask us about all these topics and more in our open Q&A.

    Register now.

    We run regular Tech Talk webinars for the aged care sector and IT professionals on our digital transformation work. Watch past Tech Talk webinars.

    Free translating and interpreting services

    Did you know that you can use free translating and interpreting services to communicate with older people in their preferred language?

    These services include:

    Follow the links above to understand and access these free services for your organisation.

    You can also direct older people to information in other languages on the My Aged Care website.

    Nominate now for the Stronger Medicare Awards

    Do you know a person, team or practice in the aged care sector who goes above and beyond to improve the health of their patients or people in their community? Recognise their contribution to Australia’s primary care system by nominating them for a Stronger Medicare Award.  

    To mark the 40th anniversary of Medicare, the Stronger Medicare Awards honour and recognise our Medicare Champions. These are the people, teams or practices that give excellent care, embrace innovation and improve health in our communities.
    Nominate now for the Stronger Medicare Awards.   

    Nominations close on 30 June 2024.  

    For more information email:

    Residential care

    Treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

    The National Antimicrobial Prescribing Survey has released new data and national recommendations for treating chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in aged care. 

    Diseases that lead to limited airflow include emphysema, chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive asthma. This group of diseases are called chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

    Recommended management includes bronchodilator therapy, systemic corticosteroids and oxygen therapy. This advice can help manage the care of residents in aged care homes.

    Read more advice from the National Centre for Antimicrobial Stewardship.

    Reminder: Quality Indicator reporting is open

    Residential aged care providers are reminded that Quarter 3 Quality Indicator reporting is now open.

    If using the bulk submission template, use the Paste Values function when pasting data into the template to make sure the formatting is maintained.

    Refer to our guidance materials for help:

    If you need assistance, please contact the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799. 


    Online interviews: Share your workforce perspectives

    Do you work or volunteer in aged care and: 

    • work in a role that requires an understanding of recruitment, retention, workforce communication or workforce planning 

    • identify as First Nations  

    • work in an ancillary aged care role (cooks, cleaners, gardeners)?  

    Take part in a one-hour interview to help us understand:  

    • what makes a quality workforce 

    • what barriers make it difficult to attract and retain workers 

    • how we can communicate about reforms that affect workers.   

    We’re focusing on these roles and perspectives because we want the research to include a wide range of views.  
    Whereto Research will conduct interviews online in April and May 2024.  
    Email Amanda to express your interest:


    Your Aged Care Update # 13/24


    Aged Care Quality Bulletin #63 - March 2024