Your Aged Care Update # 33/24

In this issue

    News about the reforms

    Aged Care Reforms Survey for Older People

    The second Aged Care Reforms Survey for Older People is now open for older people, their families and carers to give feedback about the aged care reforms.

    Providers are encouraged to share this opportunity with people living in residential aged care homes or with older people who receive in-home care.

    They are invited to have their say on:

    • the changes being made to aged care

    • what reforms they are aware of

    • how they would like to receive information on the changes.

    Older people, their families and carers can complete the survey online, or request a paper copy with a reply-paid envelope by emailing

    The survey closes on 18 October.

    Read more about the survey or the previous survey results on the Aged Care Engagement Hub.

    Sector news

    Updated provider finance information now on My Aged Care

    The finance information of residential and home care providers has been updated on the My Aged Care website’s Find a Provider tool.  
    This information:  

    • promotes transparency in the aged care sector

    • allows providers to compare their performance against the sector and identify opportunities for improvement

    • provides older people with access to current data to make informed decisions. 

    This update reflects information submitted by providers in their Quarter 3 2023–24 Quarterly Financial Report. 

    Read about the reporting of finance and operations information and check out our recent webinar.

    Webinar: Financial reporting for providers

    We invite all interested providers to join us for our next financial reporting webinar.

    When: Tuesday 10 September, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (AEST)

    During this webinar, we will: 

    Register now.

    You can send a question in advance when you register, or ask one directly to the panel during the event.

    Professional support for rural, remote and First Nations providers

    Free professional support for First Nations, rural and remote aged care providers is available through the Service Development Assistance Panel.

    It helps providers in 3 areas:

    • capability and support

    • sector development

    • infrastructure project management.

    Rural and remote providers in MM 4-7 locations and First Nations providers in any location are eligible if they deliver:

    • residential aged care​

    • home care​

    • services funded under the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care program​.

    Learn more about the Rural, Remote and First Nations Aged Care Service Development Assistance Panel on our website or email with any questions.

    Business to Government survey key themes

    The Aged Care Business to Government (B2G) project will streamline information between aged care providers and government systems. This will reduce administrative work for providers so they can spend more time delivering high-quality care to older people.

    We recently conducted a survey to understand where we could benefit most from automation.

    The common themes identified through feedback from a range of stakeholders were:

    • provider reporting

    • support and care plans

    • client assessment and referral.

    This feedback is guiding the next stages of the B2G process, including assessment, prioritisation and recommending report automation.

    Thank you to everyone who provided feedback.

    Read more about the B2G project on our website.

    Operations data collection for providers open now

    We wish to remind providers to submit their operations data through the online Provider Operations Collection Form by 31 October.

    Residential and home care providers need to submit data for the 2023–2024 reporting period. You can access the form via the Government Provider Management System (GPMS).

    Transition care providers need to submit data through the Transition Care Annual Accountability Report.

    For technical support, please call the My Aged Care service provider and assessor helpline on 1800 836 799 and choose option 5.

    You can also access resources to help complete the Collection Form.

    New infection prevention and control guide

    A new Aged Care Infection Prevention and Control Guide has been released by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

    The Guide helps aged care providers and carers:

    • understand the basic principles of infection prevention and control  

    • minimise the risk of infection for older people and the workforce, by taking a risk-based approach

    • meet the infection prevention and control related requirements of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards.

    This is fundamental to the delivery of quality care and helps protect the health and wellbeing of aged care recipients, staff and visitors.

    An upcoming webinar on 3 October will explore what the Guide means for the aged care sector and how to use it effectively.

    For more information, visit infection prevention and control in aged care.

    Residential care

    Monthly Care Statements: New guidance and templates

    Residential aged care providers can offer voluntary Monthly Care Statements from 1 October. This is an opportunity for providers to get ready for when Monthly Care Statements become mandatory. 

    We’ve released new resources to help you prepare. Read our:

    We’re also hosting a webinar about Monthly Care Statements for providers on 29 August, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm (AEST). Register now.

    If you’re planning to give residents Monthly Care Statements from 1 October, please let us know. We will keep in touch with you about any updates and listen to your views on how it’s going.

    In-home care

    New community palliative care resources

    New palliative care resources are available to help in-home aged care providers teach carers about quality end of life care at home.

    caring@home’s Community Palliative Care Resources Box includes:

    • tip sheets about managing physical symptoms and recognising dying

    • fact sheets about understanding infusion devices

    • step-by-step guides and videos about providing practical care

    • information and tools for managing medicines.

    Order a resources box on the caring@home website.


    New training program to improve dementia care

    Dementia Training Australia has a new training program for aged care and community services workers to enhance the provision of dementia care.  
    The Dementia Knowledge to Action Program starts on 1 October and will run over 4 months. It will be delivered through face-to-face, virtual reality and online formats.

    Once complete, participants become ‘dementia guides’. Guides will be able to lead teams making rapid changes and improvements in dementia care.

    Participants must be nominated by their organisation and be:

    • working frontline in aged care and community services

    • knowledgeable about dementia

    • experienced in supporting people living with dementia.

    Organisations can nominate participants through the Dementia Training Australia website.  
    Please call (03) 9479 1441 or email if you have any questions.

    Training on end of life law to help meet quality and safety standards

    Free palliative care learning modules are available for the aged care workforce.

    This includes End of Life Law for Clinicians - a free national training program for medical practitioners, students, nurses and allied health professionals. It focuses on Australian laws on end of life decision-making.

    Understanding end of life laws is important in meeting quality and safety standards.

    Read these guides to learn more:

    Access palliative care training on end of life law or email for more information.

    Webinar: Grief and loss

    Swinburne University’s Wellbeing Clinic is holding a webinar on grief and loss.

    The webinar will explore the losses associated with ageing and practical ways to support the grieving older person.

    This webinar is for people working in aged care, as well as psychologists, social workers, counsellors and volunteers who work with older people.

    When: Friday 20 September, 4:45 pm to 6:00 pm (AEST)

    Register now.

    For more information, see Swinburne University’s webinar schedule.


    Your Aged Care Update # 32/24