Your Aged Care Update # 35

Notable dates

Webinar: Provider governance reforms
Tuesday 19 September 2023

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Provider operations reporting due
Tuesday 31 October 2023

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In this issue

    News about the reforms

    Provider operations reporting due 31 October

    Residential and home care providers must submit their provider operations information on the Provider Operations Collection Form, through the Government Provider Management System (GPMS) by 31 October 2023.

    The first reporting period will be 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023.

    More information and user guides:

    Webinar: Provider Governance reforms

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is holding a webinar on the Provider Governance reforms.

    This webinar is for aged care providers, ahead of changes to Provider Governance from 1 December 2023.

    The session will discuss:

    • measures already in place and most frequently asked questions

    • initiatives from the Governing for Reform in Aged Care program to support these changes

    • principles, practical actions, systems, and procedures for governing bodies

    • the determination process for any providers who may not be able to meet new governing body membership requirements.

    When: Tuesday 19 September 2023, 1pm -2pm (AEST)

    Register for the webinar now.

    Read more about strengthening provider governance on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website. 

    Sector News

    Reporting open: 2022-23 financial year Aged Care Financial Report

    The Aged Care Financial Report (ACFR) for the 2022-23 reporting period is now available for approved providers to complete through the forms administration portal.

    Reports are due by 31 October 2023.

    We will use the financial information collected in the ACFR to publish the Financial Report on the Australian Aged Care Sector. 

    Information on residential and home care providers’ income and expenses will be summarised and published on the My Aged Care website at the service level from early 2024.

    Useful resources to help complete reports are on our website – Aged Care Financial Report.

    For further help you can call (02) 4403 0640 or email

    New Food, Nutrition and Dining Hotline

    The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission now has a dedicated phone line for food nutrition and dining concerns.

    People receiving aged care, their representatives and staff can call the hotline with enquiries, questions and complaints.

    The new service gives people a straightforward way to get advice and information about food, nutrition and dining in aged care.

    Call the Aged Care food and nutrition hotline on 1800 844 044

    Read more about Food, Nutrition and Dining (for providers) on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission’s website.

    Insights from the Enriching Life Through Care national roundtable program

    Throughout 2022 the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission held the Enriching Life Through Care roundtable program. 

    The roundtables gave the Commission the opportunity to hear first-hand how providers are responding to older people’s expectations for a different and better aged care experience. They also provided greater insight into providers’ experiences of engaging with the Commission. 

    Assistant Commissioner Lisa Peterson PSM has released a video where she shares some of the learnings and insights and the steps the Commission is taking in response. 

    Visit the Commission’s website to watch the video and learn more about the program. 

    In-home care

    Provider claiming issue – home care packages and short-term restorative care

    We have been alerted that some people are starting to use their HCP before their Short-Term Restorative Care (STRC) has ended.

    Advice for HCP and STRC providers to avoid the loss of claim payments:

    • when a Short-Term Restorative Care client signs an agreement for a HCP, the STRC eligibility ceases on the day the HCP agreement starts.

    • HCP and STRC providers should ensure that clients are aware that STRC services cease if they enter into a HCP agreement.

    • Home Care Package providers should check that onboarding clients are not currently receiving STRC services and, if they are, to contact the STRC provider to coordinate the transfer of services.

    To confirm whether someone is receiving STRC services, check the My Aged Care service and support portal or call the provider helpdesk on 1800 836 799.


    Aged care learning packages

    Equip Aged Care Learning Packages are designed for aged care workers, caregivers, and anyone interested in understanding the aged care sector.

    The modules cover a range of topics including dementia care, palliative and end-of-life care, trauma-informed care and more.

    Each free module takes 10 minutes to complete from a phone, tablet or computer. A downloadable certificate of completion is available for each module.

    The final module on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Awareness is now available.

    Equip Aged Care Learning Packages were developed by the Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre, University of Tasmania, with funding from the Department of Health and Aged Care.

    Take advantage of the free learning opportunity at Equip Aged Care Learning Packages.

    Residential care

    Reminder: Schedule your Residents’ Experience Survey 2023

    Residential aged care providers are reminded that the 2023 round of the Residents’ Experience Survey (RES) will finish soon.

    The survey is an important initiative offering residents an opportunity to share feedback on their care. It is also used to determine each home’s Residents’ Experience rating that contributes 33 per cent to the overall Star Rating.

    If you have not yet been contacted to arrange the RES visit to your facility, contact our third-party workforce on to schedule one. All visits must be scheduled by 29 September.

    Non-participation in the Residents’ Experience Survey may lower your aged care home’s Star Rating.

    More information is available on the Residents’ Experience Survey webpage.


    Your Aged Care Update # 36


    Your Aged Care Update # 34