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Diversity & Wellness in the Strengthened Quality Standards Workshop Series | Standard 4 – The Environment

Is your service rights-focused and ready?
Prioritising and demonstrating an inclusive, rights-based approach is crucial to make sure all older people receive respectful, equitable and person-centered care.

This approach not only meets regulatory requirements but also builds trust, enhances service quality, and protects the dignity of older adults, enabling choice and control.

Don’t just comply – excel and make a meaningful impact!

Strengthened Quality Standards
The strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards emphasise a rights-based approach, prioritising diversity, inclusion and quality care.

Understanding how diversity and wellness are embedded in the Standards will help you create services that promote equity, empowerment and respect.

Meeting the strengthened Quality Standards will help you to demonstrate to older people that your organisation delivers inclusive services that honours every older person’s rights.

The strengthened Quality Standards form part of the regulatory requirements under the Support at Home program.

The Workshop Series

This series of 5 online workshops will support you to apply a diversity and wellness lens across the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards and understand how it can benefit your organisation and communities.

You’ll walk away with

  • An understanding of how diversity and wellness are embedded within the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

  • Insight into the alignment of the Standards and a rights-based approach

  • A greater understanding of the value of applying an inclusive service delivery approach

  • An understanding of what evidence is required for the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

  • Steps for progressing diversity and inclusion within your organisation

  • Useful resources.

Workshop format

Each 1-hour session includes:

  • A focus on one of the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

  • An introductory presentation about intersectionality and the alignment of diversity and wellness within a rights-based framework

  • Case Studies to demonstrate best practice approaches for the delivery of welcoming and inclusive care

  • Q&A where you can ask questions and share ideas

  • Discussion about the evidence requirements to demonstrate inclusive practice.

Who’s it for

These workshops are for CHSP-funded aged care staff responsible for:

  • Leading and implementing the Standards and quality review process. For example, managers, coordinators and team leaders.

  • Delivering frontline services. For example, frontline staff across all service types.


No cost for Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) funded aged care providers.

Facilitated by

Dale Park – Diversity, Training and Consulting

Presented by

Eastern SSD, The SSD Connect Alliance and Grampians SSD


The Workshop Series

Standard 1 – The Person

Thursday 26 September, 9:30 – 10:30 am

Standard 2 – The Organisation

Thursday 10 October, 9:30 – 10:30 am

Standard 3 – Care and Services

Thursday 17 October 9:30 – 10:30 am

Standard 4 – The Environment

Thursday 28 November, 9:30 – 10:30 am

 Standard 5 – Clinical Care

Thursday 5 December 9:30 – 10:30 am

Although funding for this event has been provided by the Australian Government, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views or policies of the Australian Government.

18 November

Quality Counts – Systems to Avoid the Rush to the Audit

5 December

Diversity & Wellness in the Strengthened Quality Standards Workshop Series | Standard 5 – Clinical Care