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Making Goal Directed Care Planning Meaningful

This webinar sold out very quickly, so we’ve scheduled another session. Click here to book for 24 May

The webinar builds on your existing knowledge to focus on how you can really add value to your work with clients through effective goal setting and care planning.

It covers key skills required to effectively engage clients and carers in the goal setting and care planning process. Plus how to work collaboratively to create and use meaningful, useful care plans.

There'll be examples and interactive discussion tailored to the context, quality standards, program guidelines and setting of the participants.

Participants have the opportunity to ask questions, discuss their experiences and seek feedback from the facilitator and other group members.

After completing the session, participants will be sent relevant resources, tools and links to helpful information.

Who's it for?

The workshop is designed for staff who are actively involved in goal setting and care planning with CHSP clients. Program leaders and managers are also encouraged to attend.

The workshop will cover ...

Setting up for successful Goal Directed Care Planning (GDCP)

This focuses on the skills and strategies required to effectively engage clients and carers in the GDCP process and work collaboratively to create meaningful care plans.

How to:

✅ Introduce the concepts of goal setting and care planning to clients and carers

✅ Identify meaningful and relevant goals

✅ Work within the scope of your practice

✅ Ensure goal setting and planning is efficient and adds value.

Documenting meaningful Goal Directed Care Plans

This focuses on how staff can document GDCP that are valuable tools for clients and staff.


✅ The key elements that need to be documented in GDCP and how these can be documented effectively and efficiently

✅ Using appropriate language and strategies to reinforce a strengths based approach within GDCP documentation

✅ Incorporating different perspectives within a GDCP – such as client, carers and staff.

What to bring

It's recommended you have access to a care plan when attending the session.

Facilitated by

Kate Pascale and Associates is a consultancy firm that specialises in building the capacity of the health and community services sector to help deliver quality, evidence-based services.

Presented by

The SSD Connect Alliance

This session is fully booked. Click here to book into the 24 May session

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