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Consumer Engagement in Aged Care – Practice Essentials

  • Zoom, AEST (Melbourne Time) (map)

This online workshop features an overview of consumer engagement in aged care + practical ways to involve consumers in the design, delivery and evaluation of services.

The workshop covers

✔️ Consumer engagement as a core component of ongoing quality improvement 

✔️ Aged care provider requirements in relation to consumer engagement (aligned to the Aged Care Act, Aged Care Quality Standards and Strengthening Provider Governance reform) 

✔️ Guiding principles of effective consumer engagement 

✔️ Key consumer engagement strategies (for example, quality care advisory groups, consumer representatives, feedback systems) 

✔️ Practical ways to ensure consumer engagement strategies are meaningful and achievable (within the scope of your service and resources) 

✔️ Resources to support implementation.

Who’s it for

Staff from CHSP-funded services who are actively involved in ongoing quality improvement. This may include managers and program leaders, staff involved with quality improvement and consumer engagement strategies.

Facilitated by

Kate Pascale & Associates

Presented by

Eastern Sector Support and Development Team, SSD Connect Alliance and Bayside City Council SSD.

4 June

Consumer Feedback Series | Session 5: Using consumer feedback to make changes

12 June

Consumer Engagement in Aged Care – Practice Essentials