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Your Aged Care Update #37

Notable dates

Mandatory care minutes begin
1 October 2023

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24/7 registered nurse coverage reporting due
7 October 2023

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See this content in the original post

News about the reforms

Webinar: Quarterly Financial Reporting - what’s changed

We are hosting a webinar for aged care providers to discuss up-coming changes to the Quarterly Financial Report (QFR).

When: Thursday 5 October at 2pm to 3pm (AEDT)
This webinar will explore:

  • changes to the form for Quarter 1/2023-24

  • publication of wages information

  • updates on labour costs/hours and validation processes

  • new ICT solution for QFR reporting

  • publication of sector, provider and service-level information.

Register for the webinar now.

For those unable to attend, a recording will be made available on our website.

Changes to governing body membership requirements

Aged Care providers need the right mix of people to deliver the high-quality care and services that older people deserve. This includes having an independent governing body that has the appropriate skills and experience.

Providers must ensure their governing body: 

  • has a majority of independent non-executive members

  • at least one member with experience in providing clinical care.

The changes relating to the composition of governing bodies come into effect 1 December 2023.

For providers approved since 1 December 2022, these changes are already in effect.

Providers unable to meet the governing body membership requirements can apply to the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission for a determination.

Visit the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website for further information.Sector news

New apps for clinicians and carers supporting people with dementia

National Dementia Data Improvement Plan and Updated Dementia in Australia report now available

Sector News

New apps for clinicians and carers supporting people with dementia

The Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing (CHeBA) at the University of New South Wales has developed two apps to assist those who support people with dementia experiencing changes in behaviour.

The apps are:

  • Clinician’s BPSD Guide: App for clinicians, residential care, community care and acute care staff.

  • CareForDementia: App for carers, families, care partners and careworkers.

Based on extensive evidence and practice-based, person-centred care principles, the apps include practical strategies, interventions and example scenarios.

Both apps are available for free download from App stores.

Visit the CHeBA website for more useful information and resources to support people living with dementia.

These resources are in addition to training on dementia behaviours being implemented through the Dementia Training Program.

National Dementia Data Improvement Plan and updated Dementia in Australia report now available

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) has released the National Dementia Data Improvement Plan 2023–2033. It aims to improve dementia data across all settings from community to residential aged care and hospital environments.

The Plan is a 10-year roadmap to monitor dementia and provide an evidence base for effective policy development and service provision and planning.

Read the National Dementia Data Improvement Plan 2023–2033 report.

The AIHW have also released an updated Dementia in Australia report. This provides the latest statistics on the impacts of dementia in Australia, including mortality, hospitalisations and prescriptions under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme, and aged care assessments.

Read the Dementia in Australia report.

In-home care

Make your website, social media, emails and documents accessible to all

As a Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) provider, ensuring your clients and their families have access to accurate information is critical.

Join Vision Australia’s easy-to-understand 60-minute e-learning module to learn about putting digital accessibility into practice, including:

  • the foundations of digital accessibility

  • Australian legislation

  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

  • assistive technologies that enable accessibility.

This course is free for CHSP providers. To register, please complete the expression of interest form.

Email questions to

Residential care

Reminder: Quality Indicator reporting opens soon

Residential aged care providers are reminded that Quarter 1 reporting for all 11 Quality Indicators (QI) opens on 1 October and is due by 11.59pm (AEDT), 21 October.

We appreciate some providers experienced issues with submitting data via GPMS last quarter. To assist you further this quarter, please refer to the QI Reporting via GPMS - Additional guidance.

You can also refer to the GPMS - User Guide: Quality Indicators Application.

We encourage providers to report early and allow time to resolve any submission issues before the due date. Late submission of QI data will impact your Star Ratings.

If you need assistance, please contact the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on 1800 836 799.

COVID-19: Aged Care Support Program Extension grant

We are processing the remaining applications for the COVID-19 Aged Care Support Extension grant. Each application requires an assessment.

Providers with outstanding applications should submit all required information within the timeframe provided.

The closing day to ask for an extension for requests for information was 31 August 2023. Requests received after this date were not accepted.

From 31 August 2023, if the requested information has not been returned within 14 days, we will finalise assessments based on the information we have.

Incomplete or incorrect information causes delays in processing. It may also mean the application is ineligible for the grant.

Advise us of any changes to authorised contacts details by emailing

Grant information, including eligibility requirements, is available on GrantConnect (GO4863).

It's time to get prepared for high-risk weather season

High risk weather season (HRWS) generally runs from October to April every year. Official predictions suggest that weather will be hot and dry with severe fire danger in most parts of Australia.

Update and test your Emergency Management Plan now. Make sure you are connected with your local emergency services and establish relationships early.

The Aged Care Quality Standards require providers to have effective risk management systems and practices in place, especially for the HRWS.

Your plan must consider:

  • possible risks to staff, residents and visitors

  • how you will mitigate risks, especially in the event of evacuation.

Regularly updated information, guidance, FAQs and helpful contact details are published on the department’s website.

The National Emergency Management Agency are also organising a HRWS sector briefing in the coming month. Details will be promoted through this newsletter and on our website.

Webinar: Update - Aged Care COVID-19 outbreak management supports

We are hosting a webinar to provide the aged care sector with an update on the Australian Governments aged care COVID-19 outbreak management supports.

When: Thursday, 12 October, 1pm to 2pm (AEDT)

At the webinar, you will hear about:

  • the Australian Governments aged care COVID-19 outbreak management supports

  • COVID-19 additional dose recommended by ATAGI

  • COVID-19 grant application reminder

  • the Infection Prevention Control (IPC) lead nurse evaluation survey

  • answer your questions live.

Register for the Aged Care COVID-19 Outbreak Management Supports webinar.

Reminder: Supporting older people to vote

A message for aged care providers from the Australian Electoral Commission.

All Australians need to vote in the 14 October 2023 referendum on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

Information is available on supporting aged care recipients to vote:

There will be mobile polling in most residential aged care homes. Information will be provided by facility managers, including alternatives if mobile polling is not available.

For more information visit the Australian Electoral Commission website or call 13 23 26.