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Your Aged Care Update # 48

Notable dates

Q&A Session: Support at Home for aged care providers
18 December

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Survey: Aged care pay rise satisfaction survey

Closing 15 December

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Survey: National Aged Care Advocacy Program

Closing 22 December

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Sector News

Fourth Quarterly Financial Snapshot of approved aged care providers released

The fourth Quarterly Financial Snapshot for the period 1 April to 30 June 2023 is now available. It draws on data submitted through the Quarterly Financial Report, including:

  • key financial indicators

  • care minutes

  • labour costs, wages and hours

  • occupancy levels

  • food and nutrition.

Read or download a copy of Quarterly financial snapshot of the aged care sector – Quarter 4 2022-23 – April to June 2023.

Webinar recording: Publishing provider reporting

In late November we held a webinar to give providers an overview of how their operational and financial data will be reported and published online in coming months.

The webinar outlined data that will be published on the My Aged Care website in February 2024, and how providers can preview it. There was also an update on submitting Quarterly Financial Reports via GPMS from January 2024.

The slide deck and recording are now available if you missed the webinar or want to revisit the information.

Responses to the Q&A session will be published on the webinar page soon.

Upcoming changes to the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program

From 1 January 2024, the Governing for Reform in Aged Care Program will be available to anyone working in the aged care sector.

Current participants should note: 

  • Learning activities will continue to be available. This includes: podcasts, webinar recordings, online learning modules, flip guides, topic guides, tools and the For the Board Kit.

  • Digital badges will end on 31 December 2023 and will be replaced by certificates of completion.

  • If you would like to make a record of your completed activity, you will need to do so by 31 December 2023. 

For more information on the program visit Governing for Reform in Aged Care on the ACQSC website.

Aged Care Wages: Historical Leave Liability Grant Opportunity now open

The Aged Care Wages – Historical Leave Liability Grant Opportunity (GO6625) is now open, closing 2pm (AEDT) 31 January 2024. 

This is a one-off grant. It will fund providers for 50% of the cost of increased leave entitlements in the 2023-24 FY, attributable to the Fair Work Commission’s 15% wage increase.

Eligible aged care programs are:

  • Residential aged care 

  • Home Care Packages Program 

  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme 

  • Transition Care Programme 

  • Short-Term Restorative Care Programme 

  • Multi-Purpose Services 

  • National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.  

Eligible historical leave liabilities: 

  • long service leave  

  • recreation/annual leave  

  • personal/sick leave. 

For more information, refer to the Grant Opportunity Guidelines and provider factsheet.
If you have further questions, email and quote GO6625

Residential care

Reminder to keep your accommodation deposit approvals up to date 

Approvals for Refundable Accommodation Deposits (RADs) and Daily Accommodation Payments (DAPs) are current for 4 years. At the end of the 4 years, you must re-apply to the Independent Health and Aged Care Pricing Authority (IHACPA).  

You must re-apply to IHACPA 60 days prior to the expiry date.   
Please note, a conditional approval does not allow you to charge a price above $550,000. If you have been granted conditional approval, you must still apply for final approval from IHACPA before you can charge amounts above $550,000.
Without approval you cannot publish or charge residents a RAD or DAP equivalent of more than $550,000. If you let your approval expire and continue to charge RAD or DAP amounts above $550,000 you may have to pay a refund with interest.  

You also need to ensure that your provider information including RAD and DAP amounts is correct on My Aged Care.
For more information about expiring RAD approvals visit Expiring refundable accommodation deposit (RAD) approvals on the IHACPA website.

Care minutes targets for January to March 2024

We will publish the care minutes target for the January-March 2024 quarter on the My Aged Care service and support portal on 15 December 2023.

The care minutes target are the required amount of care minutes for each service for the March quarter 2024. Shortly after 15 December we will also publish the targets on our website.

We use the method set out in section 9 of the Quality of Care Principles 2014 to work these out.

You should contact if there appears to be an error with the amount of direct care minutes published for your service. Our care minutes target calculator can assist you with verifying your targets.

Before 15 December 2023 you should check that your claims information with Services Australia is up to date. This helps ensure that your targets accurately reflect the residents in your care. 

Quality Indicator Program - updated bulk submission template

The bulk submission template for the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program has been updated. Please use the new template on the QI Program resources webpage.
This update:

  • includes reformatting of date fields 

  • ensures there are no date formatting errors when copying and pasting data into the template.

When pasting data into the bulk submission template, please only use the paste values function. This will preserve formatting when data is copied and pasted 

New guide for small to medium residential providers: Preparing for a more competitive market

We have published a new guide to help small to medium residential providers prepare for changes to residential aged care.

From 1 July 2024, residential aged care places will be allocated to people, not providers. You will hear us referring to this change as Places to People.

This guide explores opportunities for providers when considering their current service offer and the potential to meet local demand for care.

By adjusting or expanding services, providers may be able to improve the way they meet community needs. This may help providers achieve higher occupancy levels, stronger financial performance and overall competitiveness within the market.

Download the preparing for a more competitive market guide and find out more about the allocation of places to people on our website. 

COVID-19: Keeping aged care residents connected

Residential aged care providers must have a clear visitor management plan that includes visitor access even when there is a COVID-19 outbreak.

Visitors provide social and emotional wellbeing for residents. All residents should always have access to at least one visitor.

Residential aged care providers should facilitate and support the wishes of residents concerning visitors. 

To ensure residents stay protected, visitor screening is strongly encouraged.

Providers should regularly review screening arrangements in line with the COVID-19 risk in their community.

You can find information on screening and managing visitors on our website. 

Submit your payment claim to Services Australia by 15 December

Residential aged care providers should submit their November payment claims to Services Australia by 15 December. 
This will allow for early calculation of January 2024 advance payments. The January 2024 advances will be paid from 18 December 2023 onwards. 
If the November claim is received after 15 December, the January 2024 advance payment will be paid once the November 2023 claim has been finalised. 
Submit your claim in the Aged Care Provider Portal - Services Australia
For assistance contact Services Australia on 1800 195 206 email at

In-home care

Invitation for Fair Work Commission Home Care Packages Supplementation Grant sent to eligible providers

On 6 December 2023, we invited eligible Home Care Package (HCP) providers to apply for the Fair Work Commission HCP Supplementation Grant.

Applications close 31 January 2024.

This grant will support HCP providers with care recipients on a Level 4 package with insufficient funding to cover the 15% increase to award wages. 

HCP providers can apply for a maximum of $2,000 per eligible Level 4 care recipient (for the 2023-24 financial year only) to cover this shortfall. If the person:

  • fully expends their budget each month on services by workers under the in-scope awards.

  • has less than $2,000 in unspent funds.

For more information, read the Grant Opportunity Guidelines on GrantConnect. 


Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payments Round 2: Closing soon

The second round of applications for the Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payments grant is closing at 2:00 pm (AEDT) on 20 December 2023.
The grant opportunity guidelines (GO6557) are available on Grant Connect.

Aged Care providers are responsible for applying on behalf of eligible Registered Nurses (RNs). 
RNs directly employed through an aged care provider for 6 or 12 months can receive up to $6000. For eligibility periods visit our website. 
Additional payments are available to nurses who work in a rural or remote area, hold a relevant postgraduate qualification, or have leadership responsibilities.

For more information, visit Aged Care Registered Nurses’ Payment.

Maggie Beer Foundation releases 3 new, free online training modules

The Maggie Beer Foundation has released 3 new online learning modules. The modules are free to complete. 

The modules were designed with dietitians, scientists and chefs. They explain how to improve the food, nutrition and dining experience for older people receiving aged care.  

Register now online to access the new modules

Each module takes 20-40 minutes to complete. You’ll also get recipes, resources, and access to a professional online community. 

Other training opportunities including 11 other modules are also available.

Micro training course: Culturally inclusive service delivery

The Centre for Cultural Diversity in Ageing has launched a free online training course for people who work in aged care.

The Culturally Inclusive Service Delivery course focuses on how we can better care for our Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) elderly clients.

The 3 modules are an informative, short and fun way to learn more about best practice in multicultural care. The training focuses on culture, effective communication and how celebrating differences can improve person-centred care for all.

This training may assist aged care providers to meet aged care quality standards.

Register now.

The training is part of the new CALDWAYS 23-24 training course series.