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Your Aged Care Update # 05/24

Notable dates

Webinar: Expanding the Quality Indicator Program pilot
26 or 27 February

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News about the reforms

New Aged Care Act consultation extended

Consultation on the draft new Aged Care Act has been extended to Friday 8 March 2024
The consultation opened on Thursday 14 December. We’ve already heard from people who use aged care services, people who work in aged care, and those with an interest in the sector.
As part of this feedback, we heard that many of you wanted more time to review the draft Act and provide your feedback. 
We can now confirm that the consultation is being extended to Friday 8 March.  
We want to make sure you have every opportunity to have your say on this important change to Australia’s aged care system.  

Get involved through the online survey, phone line, email or letter submission, or a workshop. 
Read more about the new Aged Care Act consultation

Sector news

COVID-19: new support arrangements

Payments for the new Aged Care Outbreak Management Supplement commence in March 2024. 
Current COVID-19 grants will close on these dates: 

  • Aged care worker COVID-19 leave payment grant closes on 16 February 2024 

  • 2023 COVID-19 Aged Care Support Program Grant closes on 3 April 2024. 

Personal protective equipment (PPE) and rapid antigen test (RAT) kits will be distributed from the National Medical Stockpile to 30 April 2024. 
Access to COVID-19 oral antiviral treatments will continue under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) through community pharmacies. 
Read more about COVID-19 support for providers and workers.  

Webinar: Digital Transformation Tech Talk

Our Digital Transformation program is holding Tech Talk #14, the first technology webinar of 2024. Join us as we discuss directions for digital transformation in the coming year.

When: Tuesday 27 February, 2:00 pm to 3:30 pm (AEDT)

Hear about:

  • Government Provider Management System (GPMS), Business to Government (B2G) and My Aged Care capabilities and improvements included in our February release

  • an update on developments for the New Aged Care Act

  • answers to frequently asked questions from last year.

Ask us about all these topics and more in our open Q&A.

Register now

Stay informed on our digital transformation work as we continue to support the aged care reform agenda. Access recordings for all our past Tech Talks webinars.

Guidance resources for strengthened Quality Standards

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission wants your feedback on the guidance resources for the draft strengthened Quality Standards.  

The resources will help providers, aged care workers and other stakeholders understand the strengthened Quality Standards and their roles and responsibilities in meeting them. 
Your feedback will help the Commission to develop resources that are fit for purpose, easy to understand and support the delivery of quality, person-centred aged care. They are also designed to provide useful information for older people and their family members, noting further guidance specifically for older people receiving care and their representatives will be available shortly. 

To have your say read the consultation documents and provide your feedback. 

You can also watch a recording of the Commission’s Supporting sector readiness for the new strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards webinar and download the presentation. 

The consultation closes 30 April 2024. 


Preview of finance and operations information closing soon

The providers preview of finance and operations information closes on Thursday 15 February.   

The preview does not apply to Commonwealth Home Support Programme providers. 

Residential and home care providers can access the preview via the Government Provider Management System. Please contact us if you identify any issues with the data reported and how it's presented. 
This information will be published on My Aged Care via the ‘Find a Provider’ tool by the end of February. We will let you know if there are any changes to this timing. 

For any questions, please read the finance and operations resources or email

Please note: We have had some issues with emails sent to the above email address between 5 and 8 of February. We apologise for any inconvenience. If you have sent an email to this address during this time, please resend your email.

Residential care

Star Ratings: Provider preview closing soon

A reminder to providers that the 2-week preview period for Star Ratings, which commenced on 6 February, will close soon.

Providers are encouraged to review their updated Star Ratings in the Government Provider Management System (GPMS). We recommend checking before they are published on the My Aged Care website’s ‘Find a provider’ tool.

Contact the My Aged Care Service Provider and Assessor Helpline on
1800 836 799 (option 5): 

  • if you are having difficulty accessing GPMS 

  • to report any IT or technical errors in your Star Ratings before publication.

For questions about your Compliance Rating contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission on 1800 951 822 or email